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Welcome to the international stationery and Gift Fair

Release time:2020-10-09 14:47:59

Qiansebian brand was founded in 2006, with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China. It has passed the iso9oo1:2000 certification. It is a fine chemical high-tech enterprise with microencapsulation technology as the core. Is a company engaged in discoloration, luminescence, fragrance, anti-counterfeiting and so on

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  • Years of industry experience

    Years of industry experience

    The company has been committed to R & D and production of luminescent and color changing materials for many years

  • Innovative technology

    Innovative technology

    Qianse transformer introduces advanced technology

  • Quality assurance

    Quality assurance

    We guarantee the quality of our products. Please feel free to buy them

  • Perfect after sales service

    Perfect after sales service

    We guarantee the quality of our products. Please feel free to buy them.

CopyRight © 2020 qianse888.com All Rights Reserved. Shenzhen Qiansebian New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

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